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Do You Even Waddle?

Writer's picture: justthatmomjustthatmom

**disclaimer at the end**

I feel like I haven’t gotten off the struggle bus for 2 weeks now. My mental health has really dropped to the deepest pits of the earth and sometimes I wonder if I’m ever going to get out.

I haven’t been to the gym all week and I know that’s not helping either. But truthfully, it hasn’t been because I haven’t wanted to.

My daughter was sick for awhile and I thought FOR SURE it had skipped me. I was happier than a pig in shit that for once, I didn’t catch what she brought home.

Man was I ever wrong LOL. I woke up the very next day with a sore throat, hardly able to talk, and a headache that was immeasurable.

So I thought I’d give out my leg day warm up routine. I’ll keep it pretty simple.

15 back step lunges (per leg)

• 15 sumo squats

• 15 calf raises

• 15 donkey kicks

• 15 fire hydrants

You might think I’m crazy, I probably am haha. But you’ll thank me for it later!

I do 3 sets of 15 each. Sometimes each exercise is continuous with short breaks in between. Other times I do a circuit of all 5 exercises. I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve really mixed it up and added weights and resistance bands.

It is very important that you learn the form of each of these exercises before you start making modifications. And if you’re newer to working out, you can start with lower reps (8-10 each) until you’re not feeling the burn like you should, and then increase your number of reps. Once you hit 15 per set and that burn isn’t there anymore, you can start to add weight.

When adding weight, you may want to decrease your number of reps per set and work yourself back up. And please for the love of life, start at a low weight and increase from there. 5 extra pounds doesn’t seem like a lot until you’re half way through your second set and feel like you’re not going to be able to finish!

and everyone likes to finish… ;)

Until next time…


I by no means have any education or training in the fitness department - these are strictly things that have worked for me and shown me the most progress.

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